Sunday, May 31, 2020
3 Job Hunting Tactics for a Recession
3 Job Hunting Tactics for a Recession If you are looking for a job in the current economy, you are certainly not in an enviable situation. You have probably found that there are fewer jobs and more applicants out there. You might have found that the wheels of recruitment are sluggish at best and ground to a halt at worst. Desperate times call for desperate measures and in this article I will give you three ways in which to go about your job search in a slightly different manner than usual. 1. Networking at All Times: Networking has always been valuable, when looking for a job in a recession itâs a prerequisite. Your professional network is made up of the people you have worked with in your career such as past coworkers, managers, clients, suppliers, counterparts and even competitors. You need to make calls and fire off emails to your network, tell everyone what your situation is and what type of work you are looking for. You will experience a great deal of help and assistance from people, especially as they know their number could be up next. There will be opportunities for you to chat with people at trade shows or sponsored events, make the most of these and make sure you have your 30 second elevator pitch well rehearsed. You need to leave a lasting impression; you need to leave the person you speak to wanting more. You also have to think beyond your professional network and grab any chance you get to sell yourself. Regard any interaction with people as an opportunity for you to network. Any interaction means striking up a conversation with people at your nephewâs birthday party or even in the line at the post office, you never know who they in turn might have in their network. By becoming something of a corporate village idiot you will extend your network, have more shots at getting a job and probably have a bit of fun as well. 2. Demonstrate Value WIIFM: Networking is about spreading the word, this section is about what word you spread. At the moment there arenât many vacancies out there, so what you need to do is to convince a company that they can make an exception for you. Imagine you were the sales manager of a software business, sales figures are down and the competition is breathing down your neck. Along comes a random job seeker and clearly tells you exactly how much of your software he could sell, how much he would expect to get paid and what this would do for your bottom line. Do you think the sales manager will say there are no jobs going at the moment, or do you think he or she will be doing their damnedest to get a hiring approval from their boss? When you tune in to the companyâs WIIFM, make it abundantly clear what you will do for them, how long it will take and how much money you will bring in (or costs you will cut). Think about how you can add value. Anyone in their right mind would listen to your proposition and some might actually bring about a hiring ticket and give you a chance. If the company is not interested in hearing you out, never mind and move on. They are probably not worth the time anyway as they canât spot an opportunity to create value even when itâs served on a plate. 3. Sleuthing and the Direct Approach: Before you can demonstrate your value, you have to find out whom to approach. Applying for jobs online was never going to make you stand out, no matter what economy we are in. At the moment, HR managers are receiving hundreds of applications for one job posting, even if itâs only on the company website. The clever job seeker will find a way to infiltrate the Politburo that is HR and find out who the hiring manager behind the vacancy is. They will do their research and somehow contact this manager direct with the view to attract attention and get on the shortlist. The best recruiters out there know exactly how to do this, they will ask anyone from receptionists to IT support for help in homing in on the hiring managerâs name. You can do this as well, or to make it easier you can try online resources like LinkedIn or sometimes even the companyâs own website. Once you have identified who the manager is, all you need to do now is make contact. Most people will send a courteous email to the manager outlining that they are interested in the opportunity, with their CV attached. The brazen job seeker will ring up reception, get the manager on the phone and deliver their pitch. This could either impress or annoy the manager, probably depending on the line of work you are looking for. A salesperson doing this would get an immediate consideration, a data entry clerk maybe not. Call to Action: By networking with everyone including strangers, demonstrating your value and WIIFM and calling up managers direct you will be noticed. Remember that companies like resourceful job seekers, as they make good resourceful employees. If you choose to go down this route, at least you know you have gone above and beyond the call of duty as a job seeker. Instead of a ribbon, you might just end up with a job. RELATED: What Are the Safest Jobs in a Bad Economy?
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Making Resume Writing Services Affordable
Making Resume Writing Services AffordableResume writing is one of the best means of making a decent career. Most job seekers want to get good job opportunities and every one wants to establish his or her career. Job search is also becoming a problem. This has forced most job seekers to look for any kind of help in resume writing servicing, as an alternative to on-the-job search.A lot of people are looking for a career that can bring him a lot of money and there are many different jobs available. People who have potential in career are eager to establish their career. Career planning becomes more difficult and candidates are always ready to do anything to get better job opportunities.A good career starts with proper resume writing. It is one of the most important documents that defines your future prospects. There are plenty of websites that offer free resume writing services. These are competent to write well-written resumes and they are known for their good results.However, free res ume writing services have some limitations. They have a minimum capacity and they hire thousands of individuals on each and every job opening. It becomes difficult for them to accommodate different candidates with different requirements and abilities.People who are employed and earn a decent salary are not eligible for this kind of services. They simply cannot afford to spend a day or two in hiring or training an employee. Another limitation of these services is that they have a written test that a candidate has to pass before they can be hired. There is a possibility that the candidate fails the test and he ends up finding himself unemployed.People who are looking for career are recommended to look for other such services. These are inexpensive and efficient ways of doing business. It gives a good chance to people who require continuous placement in different kinds of jobs.Many people use these services because it offers them the opportunity to attain the desired positions without the pressure of being evaluated by a panel of employers. The services of a professional resume writing service also include research about the company, all information about the company, career structure and so on. These are all required for the purpose of better planning of the job search.Resume writing is one of the very important functions that require the expertise of a professional. These professionals have all the necessary qualifications and they make resume writing tasks easy. If you need assistance in writing a resume, hire a professional. You can get the resume online and get a job in a prominent company.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Amazon Fulfillment Associate Job Description -
Amazon Fulfillment Associate Job Description - Amazon Fulfillment Associate Job Description Template Download our job description template in Word or PDF format. Instant download. No email required. Download Template Using Your Template Follow these instructions to use your new job description template Step one: Fill out all details in your job description template using the provided sample on this page. Step two: Customize your requirements or duties to anything special to your workplace. Be sure to speak with team members and managers to gauge what's required of the position. Step three: When the census of the team has agreed on the description of the work, add in a Equal Employment Opportunity statement to the bottom of your job description. Step four: Check with your legal department, management team, and other team members to ensure the job description looks correct before creating a job advertisement. Choose a job board that's specific to your needs.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Top 10 Pet Peeves Candidates Have About Recruiters
The Top 10 Pet Peeves Candidates Have About Recruiters So I covered the pet peeves that recruiters have about candidates, but what about the things that irritate candidates about recruiters? Well believe it or not, recruiters arent perfect and there are a few little habits that get on the nerves of those they are supposedly trying to place. So what could they possibly be? Here are a handful of the top annoyances from the candidates perspective. 1) Claiming a candidate is the perfect fit for a role, before knowing anything about them. The recruiter barely knows the candidates current job title, but claim theyve got the perfect role for them. Trying to sell roles to unqualified candidates isnt going to work on either side 2) Misleading job specs. A job might sound like the perfect fit in writing, then after completing the application and speaking to a consultant in more detail, it becomes clear that the job is nothing like how it has been described in the job advert and is in no way suitable for the candidate. That was a nice waste of time. 3) Not identifying the employer in job postings. A lot of candidates wont apply for a job if they dont know who the company is. After all it plays a pretty big factor in choosing a new role! 4) Leaving the candidate in the dark. Job seekers like to know whats going on throughout the hiring process and they count on recruiters to keep them filled in, so if they dont its a tad frustrating! 5) Not returning phone calls. They fail to keep a candidate updated, so they give them a call. Straight to voice mail. No call back. 6) Leaving the office to meet clients, but not candidates. Relationships with candidates are just as important as with clients, but are often neglected. Yes the client is the one paying, but recruiters need the candidates to fill the roles. 7) Not giving feedback after an unsuccessful interview. If a candidate is unsuccessful in an interview, they want to know why, so they know what to work on next time. Recruiters take note, candidates expect feedback, good or bad! 8) Asking for salary expectations before telling the candidate anything about the job. Yes its an important factor, but should it really be the opening line? 9) Not informing a candidate when the role has been filled. Its only courteous to inform a candidate when they have been unsuccessful in the hiring process, otherwise they may have their hopes hanging on a role that is no longer available. 10) Sending out generic copypaste style messages on LinkedIn. This is something that a lot of recruiters do and it can be spotted a mile off. The worst offence is forgetting to change the name at the top of the InMail. It happens. Main Image Credit: Shutterstock
Sunday, May 17, 2020
What is the Best Free Website For Resume Writing?
What is the Best Free Website For Resume Writing?In this article I will be discussing what is the best free website for resume writing. There are many ways to get a job but a lot of them are not free. They can cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars.The best free website for resume writing is a community of websites. These communities are websites that allow for members to post their resumes to other members. They do this so that they can increase their own resume by submitting their resume to as many companies as possible.Resumes are posted by the member for the members of the community. These websites can have hundreds of members in them. That is why it is important to make sure that the community is reliable and good enough for you to be able to get a high quality resume out.Many times, you might see a recruiter post resumes for job openings. It is also easy to post your resume on a free website for resume writing. The recruiter posts a link on their resume to where you can post yours. You should never post your resume in the resume itself because it is against the rules.Another reason to post your resume on a free website for resume writing is that many of these websites also have 'help wanted' sections. These help wanted sections are great because you can post your resume and be seen by as many people as possible. Not only are you seen by the recruiter but you are also seen by the employees of the company that has a need for you.Another reason that you should post your resume on a free website for resume writing is because of how many resumes are currently posted in the online communities. Recruiters do not post resumes very often, especially if the job posting was a very good one. The more resumes that are posted the better chance of getting your resume noticed.So, the best free website for resume writing is a community of websites that are all very different from each other in many ways. However, they are all free to join and are good sources of r esumes. In these communities you will be able to post your resume and get noticed.The best free website for resume writing is a website that allows you to post and then get seen by as many people as possible. This will be very good for getting you noticed in the right company. These sites are free and will help you get noticed by many recruiters who normally do not post resumes often.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
What to do when your dream job turns out to be a nightmare - Debut
What to do when your dream job turns out to be a nightmare - Debut Getting a job feels like the ultimate end goal from the minute you start school. Do you want to be a doctor? A firefighter? Perhaps youâd rather be a writer or an engineer? Either way, itâs best to make your mind up now and make a plan for how to get there. Pick your GCSEs and A-Levels right and youâll undoubtedly get on the right uni course for the job. Snag some relevant work experience and then youâre really all set. The jobâs yours before you know it and all your dreams have come true. Now, thereâs nothing wrong with having a plan and playing the long game, but when you get to the promised land and it isnât at all how you hoped it can be pretty devastating. But there is a way out, even if it isnât exactly what you planned. Acknowledge the problem â" but donât blame yourself As soon as I started my first graduate job I knew it wasnât right for me. On paper it was perfect, but even on my first day I was missing the buzz everyone else seemed to have. As I slowly but surely became more miserable I began to wonder what was wrong with me. Video journalism, like many other industries, is intensely competitive. I knew hundreds of other young people would figuratively kill to be in my shoes. Iâd been writing newsletters since I was in primary school and spent three years slogging towards a journalism degree. Yet now I was here Iâd never been so unhappy. Itâs not an easy thing to do, but the first step to improvement is to stop blaming yourself. Life is complicated, and no matter how well researched or prepared you are, sometimes things just donât work out. Try to focus instead on how to get through the problems youâre facing. Things may not have turned out as planned, but one job is never the end of your story. Commit to taking action Acknowledging the problem is the first step to moving forward, but it wonât solve things alone. I putting off dealing with the situation as long as I could â" after all, weâre always told that perhaps you just havenât given it a proper try. Every day Iâd wind up in tears at home, crying on the phone to friends who urged me to do something. However, it wasnât until I had a full blown panic attack at my parentâs house I forced to make a change. I handed in my notice the very next day. This isnât to say you should do the same once you realise youâre seriously unhappy. It means you should have a serious and honest conversation about whatâs making you unhappy and what you can do to solve it. Try to work out what the problem is Itâs easy to forget how many reasons there are for hating a job, especially when youâre having to live it five days a week. But working out why itâs a nightmare is essential to moving forward. Set some time aside, perhaps with a close friend or family member, to talk it through, and try to be as honest as you can. Is it the tasks themselves or the workload? Do you have problems with the management or feel underappreciated? Or do you feel there are no options for progression? In my case the job itself was good â" and my colleagues were great â" but staying in the same area I went to university stifled me. I also had to realise that not all jobs in an industry are the same. Thinking about how much I hated my job left me despairing â" I didnât feel I had any other callings, and if I wasnât doing journalism what would I do? But not having a passion for local news is not the same as not having a passion for any form of journalism. Sure, you may want to change profession, but you donât have too. Figure out what you want to do next Once youâve pinpointed the things which make you feel awful, you can work out if they can be addressed. If you feel thereâs a problem with the way youâre being handled or the opportunities available, speak up. Your boss should help you work out a plan to improve your experiences and set a realistic timeframe to see things improve. If they donât, itâs time to leave. On the other hand, if your problems are irresolvable itâs time to look elsewhere. Use what you do and donât like about your job to help you guide your search for a new one, and remember your current gig has not been a waste of time. All experiences, even negative ones, help build your skillset and knowledge. Donât be afraid to just hand your notice in either â" sometimes you may need a bit of space to work out exactly what comes next. Your next job might not be in the same field. You may want to consider something totally different like starting your own business, freelancing or taking some time out at home. But, whatever you choose to do, thatâs totally OK. Jem Collins is a freelance journalist whose work focuses on education, politics and careers. You can find her tweeting way too much @Jem_Collins. Images via Pexels, Giphy Download the Debut app and get Talent-Spotted by amazing graduate employers! Connect with Debut on Facebook and Twitter
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Summary Sunday Interview and Networking Questions
Summary Sunday Interview and Networking Questions Use these interview and networking questions to help you land your next job! Asking questions and preparing answers to questions are the key to your success. During job interviews and informational meetings, youll want to have questions on hand that you can ask. You also want to prepare answers to typical job interview questions. This roundup is filled with both. Youll also find news about LinkedIns algorithm change and the biggest challenges facing HR in 2019. Plus, learn where recruiters are looking for candidates. JOB INTERVIEW How To Answer the 6 Toughest Job Interview Questions by Beth Luberecki | The Washington Post You will be asked these questions or a version of them, so hear how career experts recommend answering them. The Ultimate Interview Guide: 30 Prep Tips for Job Interview Success The Muse Heres what you need to do before, during and after your job interview. If youre prepared for the interview, it will be a lot less stressful and this guide will get you there. Top 12 Best Questions to Ask at the End of the Job Interview by Pamela Skillings | Big Interview You know you are supposed to ask questions during the interview, so check out this list of questions and pick your favorites. Oh, and by the way, instead of waiting until the end of the job interview, consider asking questions throughout. It makes for better conversation. The Best Interview Questions to Ask if You Want the Truth About Company Culture by The Muse How will you fit into your next company? Asking someone to define the culture of the organization isnt easy to answer. Luckily, these questions will help you get to the root of how things get done around here. And if you want to make the most of your job search, ask these questions BEFORE the job interview. Use networking meetings with current or past employees to get your answers. NETWORKING 70+ Questions to Ask in Informational Interviews by Susan P. Joyce | Youve heard you need to network during your job searchbut you arent sure what to do. This post provides the guidance you need to prepare for a one on one informational meeting. Joyce recommends starting the process by asking people you know first. When you know what youre supposed to do during these informational meetings, it makes it much less stressful! LINKEDIN How the LinkedIn Algorithm Works in 2019 by Michael Quoc | News flash: In October 2018, LinkedIn changed its feed algorithm to help private users get their posts seen while slightly reducing the reach of super-popular âpower usersâ. Thatâs because while total interactions on LinkedIn have increased 50% YoY, most of those interactions were with the top 1% of influencers. This latest update means that all but the largest users and brands on LinkedIn have seen their average reach and engagement improve over the past few months. Read this article and learn what you can do to get more people to view your status updates (and profile) on LinkedIn. RECRUITING The Secrets of Sourcing on Slack | @EmmaHunt10 on The #SocialRecruiting Show by Katrina Collier | The Searchologist I love sharing how recruiters find candidates (and a look behind the curtain). This is a summary of a conversation about how recruiters can source candidates by using Slack. If you are using Slack, think about finding groups related to your industry or occupation and join them. Youll meet interesting people and gain more visibility. You never know, your next boss (or recruiter) could be hanging out there too. CAREER LinkedIn Report: These 4 Ideas Are Shaping the Future of HR and Hiring by Mark Lobosco | The LinkedIn Talent Blog Based on LinkedIn research from a survey of over 5,000 talent professionals in 35 countries and conversations with experts, these are the four issues/ideas HR and hiring are addressing them. How to find soft skills Offering flexible work Tactics to combat sexual harassment Pay transparency In case you missed it These are recent articles Ive written: Five Ways to Get Out of Your Job Search Rut Using the Right Pitch at the Right Time
Friday, May 8, 2020
Making the job hunt Your Job
Making the job hunt Your Job Job-hunting has never been a walk in the park, and these days, itâs even harder. Youâre staring down the barrel of double-digit inflation rates, and unemployment statistics are showing numbers that have never been higher. How do you get a job, then? Well, you treat every minute that youâre unemployed like you still have a job, and you do: The job of finding yourself a job. First things first, take a hint from the old adage, âDress for the job you want, not the job you have.â Right now, the job you have isâ¦none. Dress every day in the clothing youâd show up in if you had the job you really want. Youâre showered, shaved, hair fixed, and nails clean. The reasons for this are simple â" youâre looking for a job, and your job right now is as Employment Professional, the person for whom work will come soon. Thereâs another big reason for being dressed professionally at home; youâll be less inclined to fall into really bad habits, including sleeping too late, lolling about on the sofa watching TV, cruising the Internet for anything not job search-related, goofing off when you should be getting a job. Not saying you have to wear a suit every minute of the day, but getting up in the morning, brushing your hair and teeth, and getting out of your sweats is a good place to start. Looking the part serves a couple other purposes. Youâll feel better if youâre looking better. Right now, your self-esteem might be a little low or a lot low, and taking care of your appearance will go a long way towards making you feel a little better about yourself in general. Confidence is key when searching for a new job. Okay, so youâre dressed up and nowhere to go? Wrong. Take a left at the kitchen and head straight for your computer. Youâre going to be performing a huge number of tasks, so maybe stop at the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Is your resume in order? Is it updated with your most recent info, professionally presented and edited for content and spelling, on good stock and ready to send by itself, or with a good cover letter and references? Do you have your references lined up? Do you know your salary requirements, in case those are requested? If you donât have all this ready, open up your word processor and knock that out. Now, get online and go to every job search site you can find and plaster your resume everywhere. Anyplace that sounds remotely like something youâd be interested in, make sure youâve researched the company and position, and have a cover letter ready to send directly to that company, every detail specifically tailored for that employer. Get on all the social networking sites you can find. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedInâ¦Get the word out to friends, family and previous business associates that youâre seeking employment. Make sure your contact information is up to date, and youâre easy to find. Be persistent, network, treat yourself and your current position with respect, and youâre sure to land on your feet.
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